Tuesday, March 22, 2016

How to Fix iTunes Error 4014/4013 and Upgrade My iPhone Successfully

iPhone users occasionally run into a strange error – the 4014 / 4013 – that prevents you from upgrading to latest iOS version via iTunes. Barring OTA updates, any update that is done through iTunes runs the risk of several errors and one of them, the 4013/4014, is our concern here.

Put simply, the error is hardware related but like all things digital, you don’t really get to fix this one without your share of head-banging. There are a variety of solutions that worked for various people. What we try here is to make sure you don’t go about trying them randomly but in an ordered way. That makes it easier to fix.

Before You Start

As always:
  • Use the latest version of iTunes
  • Make sure iPhone has enough space to bring in a new update. A gig or more is recommended.
  • Also make sure the iPhone is not low on battery.
The Real Problem

Error 4014 (or 4013) is usually associated with a hardware problem – a faulty cable, a faulty port etc. On the surface, your iPhone connects to the computer, iTunes recognizes the device but somewhere down the line, iTunes thinks that the cable is not really that good. Or may be the port isn’t.
The first thing you try should be change the USB port to which you connect the iPhone. Next up, change the cable that you use. Arguably, this has worked not for everyone but for a few people.

As an extreme measure, you can also try updating from some other computer which has the latest iTunes installed.

Backing Up and Going Into Recovery Mode
If you are trying to update the firmware without doing a clean restore but running into this error (even after changing the cables), it’s time to cut the chase. This method is usually recommended as the last-thing-to-try but I think it’s easier to get this done with right away.
  • Connect your iPhone to the computer. Fire up iTunes.
  • Backup your iPhone.
  • Now disconnect the iPhone, quit iTunes.
  • Put the iPhone in recovery mode. The short version goes like this: press and hold power and home buttons till the screen goes blank.
  • Open iTunes on PC.
  • Connect the iPhone. iTunes should indicate (through a dialog box) that an iPhone is detected in recovery mode.
  • Now go ahead and restore the device as new. This will erase everything but you will have the backup to restore from.
Some Notes

  • Occasionally, the error seems to vanish when people update to the last iOS 6.x version and then update to iOS 7. (This applies when you are on iOS 6.0, 6.1).
  • Clear out apps and app memory to free up space on your iPhone. Although this sounds very unrelated to this error, it has helped.

iTunes Error 17? Here’s How to Fix It When You Try to Upgrade iPhone/iPad

Technically, iTunes 17 is very similar to error 3194 even though the latter happens more often than the former. According to Apple’s support documents, Error 17 comes up when there is a connectivity issue.

Fixing iTunes error 17 has a lot of similarities to fixing error 3194. But we’ll be taking an approach that aims to stick to the default position in iTunes, hosts file etc. to clear out the error.

iTunes error 17 should usually show up when you are trying to upgrade to a new iOS firmware version. For instance, at the moment, people trying to iOS 7.1 from 7.0.x might face the issue. And since we have a diversified demographic (various devices, jailbreak statuses, previous alteration of the hosts file etc.), you might have to try a variety of things before the error gets fixed.

Check your network
Since we’re talking about connectivity issues, most of the time the issue lies with iTunes trying to – unsuccessfully – connect and download the required IPSW file from Apple’s server. This doesn’t necessarily mean your network is down or buggy but checking it helps.
If you are on Wi-fi, make sure it’s stable. If you can switch to LAN till iTunes downloads the file, do it for a stable network. But if you are sure your network is working just fine, jump to the next tip.

Firewall, Administrator Settings
An anti-virus like AVG Scanner can put up security blankets on the way your computer connects to the internet. This might be in the form of a firewall that lets you access your email and browser websites but prevent iTunes from contacting Apple’s servers securely to access the required files.
Try turning off the anti-virus and test the update process.
Also, check the individual firewall settings of the Mac/PC you are on. Make sure there are no restrictions.

Editing the “hosts” file
Did you happen to edit the hosts file sometime back? Doesn’t matter if you remember or not. Let’s go check it.

On Mac: Open the /etc/ folder and look for the hosts file.

On Windows: Navigate to C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/ and open the hosts file.
Once you have the hosts file open, scroll to the bottom and look for any line that has gs.apple.com (or any other modification of apple.com). If there is, make a backup copy of this hosts file (place it somewhere easily accessible, like the desktop) and then delete the line that contains the apple.com reference. Just the line.

Restart iTunes and try to update/upgrade.
If you’ve used a fix that employs TinyUmbrella to get around, say, error 3194, this might have put some line in the hosts file which might cause connectivity issues.

Update iTunes software / OTA Update
This one is a very common suggestion. Make sure you use the latest version of iTunes by updating it. Also, try to update directly from the iPhone/iPad through the OTA (over the air) update. Instead of connecting your iPhone to iTunes, go to Settings → General → Software Update and update the firmware.

For this again, you need to be on a stable Wi-fi network.

Jailbreak / Non-jailbreak
If you use a jailbroken iPhone and want to upgrade to iOS 7.1, you can’t just update/upgrade. You have to restore your device as new via iTunes and then use a backup to restore data. Yes, it’s a longer process but that’s what we pay for jailbreaking. No big deal though.
It’s very rare that you run into an error 17 when you upgrade a jailbroken iPhone to iOS 7.1 but if you do, restore as new.

Apple Fixes iPhone Error 53 With iOS Update

Apple has pushed a software update to fix the "Error 53" problem plaguing iPhone users who got third-party repairs.  Apple has rolled out an iOS update to address Error 53. The issue has been rendering iPhones useless among owners who got third-party repairs and then updated by connecting via iTunes.

The Error 53 debacle has been plaguing iPhone and iPad owners who had their Touch ID-equipped smartphones repaired at third-party shops. If their home button was replaced, users would encounter Error 53 when they connected to iTunes for a software update.

Apple initially claimed Error 53 was a security measure intended to validate Touch ID. If the Touch ID sensor button was replaced with a non-Apple component, the check would fail. The iPhone would be "bricked" and beyond repair.

[Apple races Google and Tesla for talent to build self-driving cars.]
Anyone who encountered Error 53 was previously out of luck. Apple would not issue a replacement device because the third-party hardware used in repairs is not included under its warranty.
A new software update for iOS 9.2.1 will reportedly restore the iPhone and iPad for people with who have encountered Error 53, which Apple claims was never supposed to reach the public.
"Error 53 appears when a device fails a security test," the company wrote on a new support page. "This test was designed to check whether Touch ID works properly before the device leaves the factory, and wasn't intended to affect customers."

The support page contains a list of instructions for fixing the problem, which is fairly straightforward: Quit iTunes, unplug the device, download the update, connect the iPhone via USB, and click Update in iTunes. The fix will try to reinstall iOS without erasing data.

Customers who encountered Error 53 and consequently paid for an out-of-warranty replacement should contact Apple to request reimbursement, the company noted.
The newest iOS update does not include features other than the Error 53 fix. If you update your iPhone over the air, or never had your iPhone repaired by a third party, there is no need to download it.

While the patched version of iOS 9.2.1 fixes the Error 53 issue and restores the iPhone, it will not re-enable Touch ID. Apple claims this is for security reasons -- if it reconnected the sensor to the secure enclave where fingerprints are stored, it could potentially allow unauthorized users to reach your data.

Those who want to keep Touch ID will have to send their devices to Apple for repair, which is an expensive process. The fees Apple charges to fix broken screens ($99 to $149) are often the reason its customers go to third-party shops in the first place.

The Error 53 problem is leading Apple into the courtroom. Law firm Pfau Cochran Vertetis Amala (PCVA) is filing a class-action lawsuit, claiming Apple did not warn customers their phones would be rendered useless if they downloaded a software update following third-party repair.
PCVA says Apple's initial statement, in which it claims Error 53 was a security measure, leaves some room for explanation.

"If security was the primary concern, then why did the phones work just fine, sometimes for several months, without the software update," said Darrell Cochran, the case's lead attorney, in a statement. "Error 53 only rears its ugly head when downloading a newer version of Apple's operating system."
The lawsuit is seeking the cost of damages and new, working iPhones for class members.

Apple releases iOS 9.3 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch featuring Night Shift, Touch ID Notes

Following a lengthy beta period, Apple has now released iOS 9.3 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. iOS 9.3 is a significant feature update for Apple’s mobile operating system, with brand new additions like Night Shift, Touch ID Notes and more. iOS 9.3 runs on every iOS 9-capable device, including the brand new iPhone SE. The update appears to weigh in at a hefty 1.7 gigabytes.

See our full walkthrough of all the new iOS 9.3 features after the break …

iOS 9.3 runs on every iPhone all the way back to the 2011 iPhone 4s, although older device owners may want to wait on upgrading in case of performance issues. Performance issues are not a problem on newer hardware, with iPhone 6, iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus as smooth as ever.
iOS 9.3 is supported by every iPad generation since the iPad Air. iOS 9.3 also runs on the fifth and sixth-generation iPod touch. We’ve embedded Apple release notes … but read on for our coverage of iOS 9.3

iOS 9.3 features a lot of new stuff, somewhat uncharacteristically for a .x update, including Night Shift (official Flux for iOS), Touch ID Notes, Verizon WiFi Calling, changes to Apple News, many new 3D Touch gestures and more

Night Shift is long-awaited for many iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users … the feature automatically shifts the color temperature of the screen over the course of the day, gradually reducing the amount of blue light the IOS display emits as daylight ends. This makes your screen look more yellow, but ostensibly has health benefits: it should let your eyes more easily relax and there are studies that indicate this feature can make it easier to fall asleep after using your iPhone in bed.

Night Shift can be enabled in Settings to turn on and off automatically with a schedule; you’ll probably want to set it based on the automatic sunset and sunrise schedule option. However, you can also enable it manually through Control Center: Tap the sun/moon icon in the center of the bottom row of Control Center.

Night Shift is limited to a certain subset of supported hardware, unfortunately. iPhone 5, 5c, 5th-generation iPod touch, iPad mini, iPad 2, iPad 3 and iPad 4 owners all lose out on the ability to adjust the color temperature of their screens.

As part of iOS 9.3, Apple has added some security features to the Notes app. You can now secure specific notes with a password. On devices equipped with a fingerprint sensor, you can also secure them with Touch ID protection.

Tap the lock button in the Share Actions and set a passphrase, along with a hint reminder. One password is used to protect every note you lock — it’s not a unique password per note. When you back to view this note, you will need to supply either a valid fingerprint or the password to see the contents. The title of the note is always visible in list view, so be sure not to include sensitive data in the first few lines.

Be aware that on non-updated devices, these protected notes are not available. Check all your devices are up-to-date with the latest OS version before using the new Notes features to keep everything in sync.

How to fix the Unable to verify update iOS error - iOS 9.3 and below

Can’t update your iPhone or iPad to the latest version of iOS? Here’s how you fix the problem .
Apple has just announced the latest update to iOS, iOS 9.3.

As with previous updates, this operating system is completely free to all existing Apple users, which means that there's going to be a big rush as people will all want to install it at the same time. For the most part, the iOS updates are easy to install and don't cause any problems, but there's one that can really get in the way: 'Unable to verify update', which is your iPhone or iPad will say is because 'you are no longer connected to the internet', even though you are.

The good news is that this error message has been around for a few years and the fix has stayed the same. Below, I'll take you through all of the possible issues nad how to fix them. I've split this article into two parts. First, there are regular updates (official Apple launches, such as iOS 9.3) and then there are beta updates (those that you have to sign up to get). Each one is handled slightly differently, so make sure you're reading the right section.

Important: Before you start, make sure that your device is connected to the internet. Ignore the Wi-Fi symbol, but open up Safari and try and load a web page. If that works, you are connected. If it doesn't work try toggling Wi-Fi on and off, and rebooting your Apple device. Finally, make sure that you're on a regular home network, as some company Wi-Fi networks and hotspots may filter out the connection to the Apple update servers.

iPhone Error 53 and your iPhone or iPad gets stuck on the ‘Connect to iTunes‘ screen

Get help when you see error 53 and your device gets stuck on the "Connect to iTunes" screen.
About error 53

After you try to update or restore your iOS device in iTunes on your Mac or PC, you might see error 53 in iTunes and "Connect to iTunes" on your device. Error 53 appears when a device fails a security test. This test was designed to check whether Touch ID works properly before the device leaves the factory, and wasn’t intended to affect customers.

For anyone who experienced error 53, Apple has released an update in iOS 9.3 to allow you to successfully restore your device using iTunes on your Mac or PC. Use the steps in this article to restore and recover your device. If you believe that you paid for an out-of-warranty device replacement based on an error 53 issue, contact Apple Support to ask about reimbursement.

What you should do

  •     If iTunes is open on your Mac or PC, quit iTunes.
  •     If your iOS device is plugged into your computer, unplug it.
  •     Make sure that you have the latest version of iTunes.
  •     Connect your iOS device to your computer with a USB cable.
  •     Open iTunes and select your device.
  •     When you see the option in iTunes to Restore or Update, click Update. iTunes will try to reinstall iOS and restore your device without erasing your data.1
  •     If you can't get past the Apple logo screen, force restart2 your iOS device. When you see the option to Restore or Update, click Restore.
  •     When you see your iOS device's Hello screen, follow the onscreen steps to set up your device.
  •         If you previously backed up your device, you can set up from your backup.
  •         When you see the screen for Touch ID, tap Set up Touch ID later.
  •     If Touch ID on your device didn't work before you saw error 53, the feature still won't work after you update or restore your device. Contact Apple Support to ask about service options for Touch ID.

    If the restore won't finish and you see an error code other than error code 53, learn what to do.
    To force restart your device, press and hold both the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons for at least ten seconds, until you see the Apple logo again.

Get help with iOS update and restore errors

Learn how to solve specific iOS update and restore errors. When you update or restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch in iTunes, you might see this message: "The iPhone [device name] could not be restored. An unknown error occurred [error number]."

Before you try the steps below, go through the basic steps to resolve iOS update and restore errors in iTunes.

Find your error number

If you tried the basic steps and still see the error message, click your error number and follow the advanced steps below.

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 53, 56

1002, 1004, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015

1600, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1611, 1638, 1643-1650, 1667, 1669

2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2009, 3002, 3004, 3013, 3014, 3015, 3194, 3200

4005, 4013, 4014, 9006

Solve network errors

Errors: 17, 1638, 3014, 3194, 3000, 3002, 3004, 3013, 3014, 3015, 3194, 3200. You might also see these alert messages:

    There was a problem downloading the software.
    The device isn't eligible for the requested build.

These alerts mean that your computer is either having difficulty contacting the Apple update server or communicating with your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

Check your computer for software or settings that might cause communication issues between your computer and Apple or between your computer and your device.

If you still see the error message, check your security software.

Check your security software

Errors: 2, 4, 6, 9, 1611, 9006:

Sometimes security software can stop your computer from communicating with either the Apple update server or with your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Check your security software and settings to make sure that they aren't blocking a connection to the Apple servers.

If you still see the error message, check for USB connection issues.

Check your USB connections

Errors: 13, 14, 1600, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1611, 1643-1650, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2009, 4005, 4013, 4014. You might also see a message that includes "invalid response."

If the USB connection between your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch and computer is interrupted, you might not be able to update or restore.

To narrow down the issue, try different equipment:

    Use the USB cable that came with your device, or a different Apple USB cable.
    Plug your cable into a different USB port on your computer. Don't plug it into your keyboard.
    Try a different computer.
    Solve other issues with the USB connection, then with your security software.

If you still see the error message, check for hardware issues.

Check for hardware issues

If you see error 53, learn what to do.

Errors: 1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 56, 1002, 1004, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1667, and 1669.

Your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch or computer might have a hardware issue that stops the update or restore from completing.

    Check that your security software and settings aren't blocking your device from communicating with the Apple update server.
    Try to restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod two more times while connected with a cable, computer, and network you know are good.
    Make sure that your security software and settings are allowing communication between your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch and update servers.
    If you still see the error message when you update or restore, contact Apple support.

If you still see the error message, check for outdated or modified software.
Check for outdated or modified software

Error: 1015. You might also see the message "The required resource can't be found."

These errors might appear if any of the situations below are true:

    Your version of iTunes is out of date. Get the latest version of iTunes, then try to update or restore again.
    Your device has a beta version of iOS.
    You're trying to install an earlier version of iOS (downgrading).
    Your device has unauthorized modifications to iOS, also called "jailbreaking."

Use recovery mode to restore your device to the latest version of iOS.

How to Fix iTunes Errors While Restoring or Updating or Downgrading iPhone

You might see lots of errors or alert messages when you use iTunes to update/upgrade or downgrade or restore your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Normally these errors are occurred due to older version of operating system on computer or not able to connect to server or older drivers or hardware cable problem.

Learn how to fix iTunes errors 4014, 4016, 3194, 3004, 3194, 1600, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1611, ? or errors codes 11, 16, 21 etc?

Basic required settings

  • Need updated iTunes.
  • Need updated operating system. 
  • You should know high speed USB HUB port in your PC to connect your iPhone.
  • Updated virus data base in your computer’s security software.
  • Remove extra USB devices.
  • Once you full fill these settings, you must Restart your system.
  • Now try to re-connect your iDevice and start again to process.

Advanced Solutions

If you tried these above steps and the error happens again, follow the advanced steps for your error code. Today we are going to see basic but important tips that probably will not benefit many of you but hopefully it seems beneficial for few of you those stuck into these kinds of problems, this post will save some time which I have wasted for figuring out all of these errors.

How to Fix iTunes Errors During Update / Downgrade / Restore

Most relevant solution for these error is about your HOST file. Go to gs.apple.com and see what your browser shows. If it shows, TSS or Cydia then you need to update HOST file, because it should show Apple Server Configuration page.

How to edit HOST file

  • First close the iTunes.
  • In Windows see the host file located at: C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
  • For Mac users goto: /etc/hosts 
  • After that open the hosts file with Administrator Privileges with notepad.
  • If not, add the following lines at the bottom of the notepad : gs.apple.com
  • Save.

Fixing iTunes Errors for a Jailbroken iPhone

If your iDevice is jailbroken or its software is expired then you need to use following tools to update / restore your device.

Basic required tools: 

  • Redsnow [download] - for booting, restoring iOS without iTune
  • TinyUmbrella [download] - for server errors
  • iFaith & iReb [download] - for downloading valid SHSH blobs

iPhone Error 53: Apple Apologizes And Updates iOS To Restore iPhones Disabled By Error 53

Earlier this month, a Guardian report flagged a curious ‘Error 53’ message that was disabling iPhones. The error was caused by unofficial repair shops replacing the connector that ran between the Touch ID sensor in an iPhone’s home button — usually in the process of replacing faulty home button assemblies.

Today, Apple is issuing an updated version of iOS 9.2.1 for users that update their iPhones via iTunes only. This update will restore phones ‘bricked’ or disabled by Error 53 and will prevent future iPhones that have had their home button (or the cable) replaced by third-party repair centers from being disabled. Note that this is a patched version of iOS 9.2.1, previously issued, not a brand-new version of iOS.

Update: A new support document on Apple’s site has been issued that details the causes and repair methods for Error 53.
The update is not for users who update their iPhones over the air (OTA) via iCloud. If you update your phone that way, you should never have encountered Error 53 in the first place. If, however, you update via iTunes or your phone is bricked, you should be able to plug it into iTunes to get the update today, restoring your phone’s functionality.

Free Data Recovery Software for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

Free Data Recovery Software for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch. World's First Free Data Recovery Software for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch
iPhone 6s, iPad Pro and iOS 9.3

  •     Recover deleted contacts, SMS, Notes, Videos, Photos, etc from iPhone, iPad, iPod touch.
  •     Recover iPhone data lost due to accidental deletion, iOS Upgrade, device lost/ broken.

How iPhone Data Recovery Solution Works for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch:

Unlockighost.com Free is an easy-to-use and completely free iPhone data recovery tool. It can retrieve lost contacts, messages, photos, notes, videos, etc from all iOS devices. Handing an iPhone is pretty cool and eye-catching. But if you lost your files or data due to accidental deletion, or iOS upgrade, device crash or damage, you will feel desperate and frustrated. If you don't want to pay for the expensive price to recover your important files from iPhone, Unlockighost.com Free is your best bet.

World's Low Cost  iPhoen Data Recovery Expert Visit Here

THREE Recovery Modes: Support Various Accidental Data Loss Situations

Unlockighost.com Free provides three iOS data recovery modes to ensure best data recovery result: Recover from iOS Device, recover form iTunes backup, recover from iCloud backup.
  • Data loss after accidental deletion or iOS upgrade failure.
  • Device damage,but it can be recognized while connected with PC.
  • Device locked but forget the password.
  • iOS upgrade/jailbreak failure, device stuck at white Apple logo or recovery mode.

Simple 3 Steps to Free Recover Lost iPhone Files:

Scan Lost Data: Connect iOS device to computer to make Unlockighost.com Free scan the device or iTunes/iCloud Backup to find the lost data.

Preview: Unlockighost.com allows you to preview the detailed content of the lost data to select out the files you want to recover.

Export: You are allowed to export and save the recovered contacts in various format such as VCF,CSV, HTML.Message attachment include text, picture, audio ect, the iPhone data recovery supports to export messages with html format.

iPhone Data Recovery Service [Recommended]

iPhone Data Recovery Service [Recommended]

Specialized iPhone Data Recovery Software for iDevice Users

    • Support to recover regular data, like: photos, text messages, contacts, videos, notes, etc. from iPhone, iPad, iPod
    • Handle complex documents and data: WhatsApp attachments, App Photos, App Videos, Flicker, Kindle, Instagram, etc.
    • Switch feasibly between partial recovery and whole recovery: you can choose to scan the whole contents or just some certain files at the final step for free.
    • Advanced technology meets the latest demand, it works for latest iPhone 6s Plus/6s, iPhone 6 Plus/6, iPad Pro, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3 and iOS 9.

Welcome to http://www.fixiphoneerror.blogspot.com

iPhone Data Recovery, on the literal meaning is concerned, is a kind of iOS Data Recovery software to retrieve deleted data or lost files from iPhone, iPad, iPod.
Labeled as “Easy, Practical, Creative”, iPhone Data Recovery make it very easy for every user to recover their desired data with a few clicks. Besides, with the exhaustive tutorials on resource page, you can get the detailed steps of how to play this software on your computer so that you can apply it smoothly with no puzzle. iPhone Data Recovery keeps improving technical by accepting users’ feedbacks all the time, you can rely on and follow it from now on.

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User – friendly Software for iPhone/iPad/iPod Data Recovery

iPhone Data Recovery, discarding complex but necessary steps, simplify its whole operation process into 3 steps. Three steps to complete the operation process:
• Connect your device – Connect your device to your PC or Mac with a cable, and then follow the hints on the interface.
• Scan your device or backup files for free - It will scan the entire content stored in your device automatically.
• Preview and save your data - The final step is to take a glance at your data freely and choose what to retrieve, and save them then.

Directly Recover Data from iPad, iPhone & iPod touch

Supported Devices Recoverable data Data loss circumstances
iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPad Pro, iPad Air 2, iPad Air, iPad mini 3, iPad mini with Retina display, iPad mini, iPad with Retina display, the new iPad, iPad 2, iPod touch 5 Text content (10 types): Messages, Contacts, Call History, Calendar, Notes, WhatsApp conversation, Reminders, Safari Bookmark, Safari History, App Documents
  • Accidently deleted files on your iOS device
  • The device is locked by a forgotten password, and the device was connected to iTunes on the computer before.
iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 1, iPod touch 4 Text content (10 types): Messages, Contacts, Call History, Calendar, Notes, WhatsApp conversation, Reminders, Safari Bookmark, Safari History, App Documents
Media content (9 types): Camera Roll, Photo Library, Photo Stream, Message attachments, Voice memos, Voicemail, WhatsApp attachments, App Photos, App Videos
  • Accidently deleted files on your iOS device.
  • Your device is crashed, smashed or broken.
  • The device is locked by a forgotten password

Extract iTunes & iCloud Backup Files to Retrieve Data from iOS Device

You are entitled to take a scan of your data and extract what you want to recover from iTunes & iCloud backup files on condition that you have backed up everything and stored them in your iTunes.
iTune & iCloud backup methods are regarded as the most practical and safest methods. You can recover deleted Contacts, Messages, Call history, Calendar, Notes, Reminder, Safari bookmark, Safari history, Camera Roll, Photo Stream, Message attachments, Voice memos, Voicemail, App photos/videos/documents (WhatsApp, Flirc, iPhoto, iMovie, Kindle, Keynote, etc.) from iPhone 6s Plus/6s, iPhone 6 Plus/6/5s/5c/5/4s/4/3GS, iPad Pro, iPad Air 2, iPad Air, iPad mini 4, iPad mini with Retina display, iPad mini, iPad with Retine display, the new iPad, iPad 2/1, iPod touch 5/4.
Note: iPhone Data Recovery can only support to recover iCloud backups from iOS 8 devices so far, if you are running iOS 9, please try the rest two recovery methods.

Preview to Ensure What You Want to Recover

In consideration of data precision, that is to say, to ensure that you can exactly recover what you want to recover, you are capable of previewing them one by one. After scanning by iPhone Data Recovery, all the found data are listed in order on the interface, you can:
• Preview every photo stored in camera roll, photo library and photo stream.
• Confirm every contact detailedly, check corresponding address, job title and custom tags, etc. and save them as a VCF, CSV or HTML file.
• iMessages, photos, videos are able to be stored on your computer as a HTML file.
• View the call history containing FaceTime records.

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iPhone Data Recovery: Quick, Safe and Complete Software for Recovering Lost iPhone Data

How to Recovery Lost iPhone Data? Quick, Safe and Complete Software for Recovering Lost iPhone Data!

A life saver for those who lost iPhone data. Easily retrieve lost photos, contacts, SMS, notes, WhatsApp/Viber/Tango messages/voicemail, call history, App Data (Instagram, Viber, Flickr, iPhoto) and totally 20 types of files. Fully support iPhone SE/6s Plus/6s/6+/6/5s/5c/5/4s/4 iTunes 12.3 and iOS 9.3/9.2/9.1/9.

Top 10 Reasons Lost iPhone Data

  • Deleted data due to misoperation
  • New iOS update on your iPhone
  • Factory settings restore or device reset
  • iPhone jailbreak
  • iPhone got damaged, crashed, smashed
  • iPhone stuck in Apple logo, black/white screen of death, iPhone is inaccessible
  • iPhone is attacked by virus
  • iPhone is locked by a forgotten passcode
  • Replace iPhone battery
  • iTunes can't recognize your iPhone and you can't restore from iTunes backup

Scan Everywhere for Lost iPhone Data - 3 Recovery Modes

  •  iPhone Data Recovery without Backup
Recover data directly from iPhone SE/6s/6s Plus, iPhone 6/6+, iPhone 5s/5c/5, iPhone 4s/4, iPhone 3gs. Super easy and no backup files needed.
  • iTunes Data Recovery - Restore iPhone Data from iTunes Backup
    Extract iPhone data from previous backup file. No need to connect your iPhone to computer. Quick convenient when your iPhone is lost, stolen or seriously-damaged. Even if your iTunes backup is deleted or lost, you could still get back deleted iTunes backup and extract data.
    • Restore iPhone Data from iCloud Backup
      Restore iPhone data from iCloud backup. It won't overwrite the current data existing on your iPhone. It ensures the data safety as you can download iCloud backup to local computer.

    Recover Everything on iPhone - 20 Types of Files

    iPhone Data Recovery can retrieve up to 20 important file types on iPhone.
    • Text Content Recovery
    • Media Content Recovery
    • App Data Recovery

Preview and Backup iPhone Data to Local Computer

iPhone Data Recovery allows you to transfer data from iOS devices to personal computer freely.
You can preview your data specific contents, time, name, etc. of your SMS, call history, etc. before recovery. All scanned files will be displayed in the preview window in category. Just click the file type and see the detailed information.
It also helps you extract data from unreadable iTunes backup file and save them on your local computer freely. iPhone Data Recovery Software can export your lost files in .txt, .xls, .xml,.jpg, .png etc. iPhone contacts can also be saved as VCF/Vcard file.

Sync Contents to iPhone

iPhone Data Recovery now supports to sync recovered contacts, messages and notes directly to iPhone.If you want to have other recovered files back to your iPhone, you can have the freeware iPhone Care Pro sync them from computer to your device with a few clicks.
  • Sync videos, photos, text messages, contacts to iPhone.
  • Videos will be converted to iPhone-compatible format during the transfer.
  • All your files will be kept intact. No data loss.

How to Bypass iCloud Lock For All iPhone Models |Plus Latest|

As time goes by Apple devices take more and more space in our lives on our iCloud. In this guide will present the best service for Bypass iCloud Lock for any Apple devices if you have this problem for iCloud lock. There was a time when most people wanted it only as a status symbol, but with the incredible set of features it is more of a necessity then some device to show off with. There are constant updates and improvements and you can use you iPhone device not only to make the basic operations such as texting and calling. You can also download documents, create amazing photos, listen to music and be in touch with your work anywhere you are.

ICloud was introduced by the Apple team as a means of heightened security. ICloud requires login credentials so that you can enter the menu and the data of the iPhone. This means that if someone wants to go through your iPhone without your knowledge they will have difficult time doing it. This feature also keeps safe all you personal information even if your iPhone is stolen. Now even if someone steals your phone then will have no use of it thanks to Bypass iCloud Lock Service.

Bypass iCloud Lock Service

If you were asking yourselves this question then it is clear that you have had enough with the fanciest security option that Apple offers to its users- the iCloud lock. After a period of time you realize that there is no need to be so over protective and you have no fears that someone may steal your phone. And of course, you want to put a stop to remembering passwords and IDs. Anyone has had the experience of memory block and if this happens while you try to enter the Bypass iCloud Lock code in your iPhone- it won’t be a happy-ending story. The iCloud lock will be activated and you are going to go to the Apple retailers and explain that you are the rightful owner of the locked iPhone. Whatever the reason, if you want you iPhone bypassed this is what you need to do:

The tool is available for you free of any charge, no hidden costs. It is the most reliable tool on the internet and anyone can download it and use it. With it you can bypass iCloud lock on any iPhone you like, the procedure is all the same.
  • Install the Bypass iCloud Lock tool.
You need to accept the terms and conditions for the installation to be completed. You can install it either on your Mac or on your PC. It is compatible with both.
  • Connect your iPhone to the computer.
Once you connect it pick the model of your Apple device from the list. Put your device in DFU mode so that Bypass iCloud Lock tool can enter into Apple’s database.
Insert your IMEI number on the field marked for your iPhone’s unique identification number which consists of 15 digits. If you are not sure what is an IMEI number look for articles explaining it thoroughly.
  • Wait for the auto reboot so start and finish.
The rebooting is the final stage of the bypass process and after that you can change the Apple ID that was previously set on your iPhone and/or change or delete the pass-code.
However, iPhones, as any other device, are often sold by a second hand retailer. This is the cheapest options for many people who want to own an iPhone but buying it from the Apple store is simply a lot above their budget. When people buy an iPhone pre-owned then they face with a few difficulties: not knowing the Apple ID and pass code and activating the iCloud lock. In this case they try to find a way to bypass iCloud Lock on their phone. They can contact the seller and try the Apple stores in the attempt to lose the lock on their iPhone, but in many instances this does not work so people turn to online services or tools for iCloud lock. The best tool for this matter is Bypass iCloud Lock tool.

More about Bypass iCloud Lock tool

It was created by the DoulCi team and so far this is the greatest tool in the field. Everyone who sought solution in this tool has found one. This is the best rated tool available on the internet if we take into consideration the success rate and all the positive reviews. Bypass iCloud Lock tool was not created long ago but it already has a great base of fans. IPhone experts recommend it too. It is always free and it works on any iPhone models, any iOS versions and all Apple devices that have the iCloud lock option. The simplicity about Bypass iCloud Lock is one awesome plus side too. Anyone can download it, install it and try it. What you really have to do is no more than a few clicks and the Bypass iCloud Lock takes care for the rest of it. If I were you I wouldn’t wait for another second- I would download the Bypass iCloud Lock tool right away.

How To Bypass iCloud Activation Lock (Status)

Remove iCloud Activation Lock

When the real user on the iPhone will report as stolen lost, your device will be locked on iCloud. To Bypass iCloud Activation lock now is very easy with our hack tool service. We now in this special post will show step by step as to remove iCloud Activation from your iPhone or iPad. Many websites and services tell that will remove your iCloud activation, but finally not work. Today this service is real and work.

What is iCloud Lock?

This problem now is big and many people in the world have this. This is happen when the real boss of the iPhone will lost or will be stolen, the this man will report the phone as lost or stolen in Apple and will lock personally on iCloud with Find My iPhone Tool. How to remove iCloud Activation Lock? Now is very easy to make this with this hack tool. bellow is all steps.

Bypass iCloud Activation Lock

To use this service is need to Download the Hack Tool from this link bellow. Then all is easy, only is need to start this software on your pc.
When you will Download this Hack Tool on your PC is need to Unzip and to start. How work this software? This is created of goup hackers from France. And this tool is connect directly on Apple Servers, and get info from Apple Database. When will hack apple servers put in Apple database that your iPhone iCloud Activation is OFF. This Process is only 5-10 min.
  • Step1. Connect your iPhone via USB Cable on your PC.
  • Step2. Start the Hack Tool, select your device model from the list.
  • Step3. Click “Start”.
  • Step4. When process will be complete, iPhone will reboot.
  • Step5. Set your New iPhone – Bypass iCloud Activation Removed.
This process to Bypass iCloud Locked iPhone 6S,6S-Plus,6,6-Plus,5,5S,5C,4S,4 is permanent and official. Your Apple iCloud Activation will be removed permanent from your device. We from Dev Team are here any time to help on our readers.If have any questions please contact us any time or go here on this link ” ASK & Answers ” we will respond to you any time.

iCloud Activation Service and Remove Apple ID: Unlock iCloud Lock by iPhone Expert

Posted in Unlock iCloud Lock on iPhone • a few months ago • Written by Admin • user comments enabled-
Here on this page you can get nice solution how to Unlock iCloud Lock on your iCloud locked Apple’s iPhone device whit our latest iCloud unlocker service. Bellow you will get all informations about this process and direct link for this iCloud unlocker service. As you are well aware today mobile phones represent more than just a phone. They can speak volumes about you. Many people tend to choose the iPhone because it has the best features a mobile phone can have. It was the herald of a future phone generation. Out of the many original features it has, iCloud is one of them. However, this safety feature could be more of a problem than bliss sometimes.

Unlock iCloud Lock Informations:

This statement is especially true for all of us who had bought their iPhones from the online selling services and second hand sellers. It is not rare that they sell you the iPhone without giving the Apple ID and codes much needed to enter the iPhone device and to use it. This feature can be great if someone attempts to secretly enter your phone and fish out some of your data, but in the other case it can cause you a breakdown. Apple has become number one company when it comes to telecommunication electronics and entertainment. They have introduced so menu genuine features that we could only see in the Sci-Fi movies. The touch screen, the face recognition, the voice control and so on. Along with the great look and elegant feel, the iPhone is the most wanted mobile device available on the market. There are so many improvements in the Apple devices that is hard to keep up with. Each feature is better than the last one. One of the greatest features in the mobile industry, regarding security issues, is the iCloud lock application. For this application you can use our Unlock iCloud Lock tool.With this tool you keep your data safe even in the event of theft. No one, except you, or someone close to you who knows your login details, can enter your iPhone and maybe take advantage of the data available in your iPhone. The iCloud tool is the best for that matter. However if for some reason, the iCloud lock activates and you cannot remember the login details – don’t worry, there are ways to unlock the iCloud lock on your iPhone. The tool that has proven to be the best when it comes to iCloud lock is Unlock iCloud Lock Activation. This tool was introduced not so long ago and already it is the number one rated app for iCloud lock unlocker. With this tool you can remove the lock on your iPhone sitting at home, you don’t need to go to Apple stores and fill in miles-long forms. All you have to it on your computer and follow the instructions. Our team created Unlock iCloud Lock Activation tool that doesn’t ask for money. The tool is available for anyone that has the need to unlock the lock on their iPhone anytime they want.

How To Unlock iCloud Lock On Your iPhone:

Well, with the iPhone popularity growing by the hour so did the number of stolen iPhones. In order to prevent future unwanted situations like that, Apple developers have decided to work on the safety issue some more and came up with the iCloud lock solution. ICloud is an app that doesn’t allow you to enter an iPhone without knowing the correct Apple ID and the correct password that goes with it. It is no lie that the number of stolen phones has decreased after this tool was introduced. However, sometimes one may forget the login details and stuck their own iPhone. After a few attempts the iPhone locks, thanks to iCloud and you cannot use the device at all. Also iCloud has an enormous storage area that collects all of your data; so, once the iCloud lock is activated your access to your photos, music and documents will not be permitted. If you have had a similar experience and do not want to bother and go to an Apple store then we may have the right solution for you. It’s the Unlock iCloud Lock Activation tool. With it you can unlock the iCloud lock on your iPhone forever.\

iCloud Unlocker Service Solutions:

The Unlock iCloud Lock tool is a tool developed by our software team not so long ago. It is a tool that can enter the Apple database and with the IMEI you provide it unlock the lock on your iPhone. By far it is the safest tool for unlocking as it is the official tool as well. There are many similar tools like this available on the internet so be careful not to pick a scam one. This tool helps you reset the Apple ID and pass-codes you forgot or mistyped, it does not do a network unlock, sp only attempt this tool if you have forgotten your login credentials. Unlock iCloud Lock tool is the most effective iCloud Unlocker Tool so do not hesitate to it now and try it out. If you are sure you want the iCloud feature permanently unlocked then you are lucky. Here you will learn a lot about it. The iCloud unlocker tool that can make your dreams come true is the unlocker developed iCloud Lock Activation tool. It is unique in its set of features and services and it is the most service for iCloud lock unlock in the past few months. People trusted this tool and recommended it further. The best thing is that you can use it on all Apple devices that have the iCloud lock tool installed, not just iPhones. It is upgraded constantly and regularly improved, that, as of recently it can work on any iPhone , iPod or iPad device. It is simple to use, IT experts may find it even boring, but it works every time. If you have the iCloud lock problem don’t keep stalling, the free iCloud Unlocker tool today and check it out. It doesn’t matter if you have a PC or a Mac on your desk; as long as the latest version of Java and iTunes are installed you are all set. You will be surprised how quickly you will get the iCloud lock unlocked from your iPhone.

Official iCloud Unlocker Service:

To the iCloud unlocker service on your computer you just need to click on the download button bellow:

Unlock iCloud Lock Procedure--

  1. Go in official iCloud Unlocker Service page on this link
  2. Fill in the informations about your device ( IMEI number , iPhone , iPod or iPad model )
  3. Click on the unlock button when it is available for click
  4. Your Apple’s device is now unlocked

iCloud Unlocker Supported Models:

  • iCloud Unlock iPhone 4
  • iCloud Unlock iPhone 4s
  • iCloud Unlock iPhone 5
  • iCloud Unlock iPhone 5s
  • iCloud Unlock iPhone 5c
  • iCloud Unlock iPhone 6
  • iCloud Unlock iPhone 6 Plus
  • iCloud Unlock iPhone 6s
  • iCloud Unlock iPhone 6s Plus
  • iCloud Unlock iPad
  • iCloud Unlock iPad Air
  • iCloud Unlock iPod
  • iCloud Unlock iPod Touch
This is the best unlock iCloud lock solution for free that you are able to find it on internet. Your iCloud Unlocker service today and solve this problem permanent from your iCloud locked device. Untill now this was biggest problem on all time whit mobile phones but now you can solve it in the next ten minutes.